We are floored , literally, to finally have flooring. Do you know someone who has taken months to complete a renovation in their home and thought to yourself; why so long, how could you live in construction like that? Guilty as charged over here, on two accounts.
It wasn't until I became a home owner and embarked on this journey of renovation, for myself, that I understood the how and the why. One day you're ripping up carpet and 6 months later you're staring at the blue underlayment still deciding between light wood or dark. Yep, we were those people. Who knew that picking out flooring could turn into such a lengthy task? Never did it cross my mind, all of the details we had to take into consideration before we had already ripped the carpet up. Oops.
At the time all I knew was the carpet had to go, that's about as far as I got. Fast forward through spring and several trips to all of the local floor covering companies and we were still left far from floored, feeling overwhelmed and a bit discouraged. Blue is my favorite color but not a color I wanted to see on my living floor for another six months.
We ended up browsing through BuildDirect.com one night. They offer free flooring samples shipped directly to your door. Naturally, we took full advantage of that. We narrowed it down to five contenders and placed our sample order.
––We wanted our the living room to feel cohesive with a modern flare and traditional roots.
We really liked all five samples that we ordered but they were all falling short of either the traditional root or modern twist that we wanted, except one. The Onyx Maple Stately Manor by Mohawk held a green light to everything we were asking for. When we realized there was nothing we didn't like about the Stately Manor Engineered Hardwood, It was almost one of those "to good to be true moments". Now that we have them installed... it's just true, they're good.
––– Note: This is not the room fully furnished, check back in December for the complete room reveal!
They’re also cast as heels, allegedly crafted due to the McMahon family’s belief that the far right cost Linda the election. A tag feud between these two seems a natural fit, with Darren Young cast as the good guy. granite installers in Kansas city